Here are some examples of my acrylic painting.
Barred Owl
"Who says there are too many crows in Montpelier?"
Inspired by a series of Front Porch Forum Posts...
Midnight Swim
Barred Owl
Inspired by a series of Front Porch Forum Posts...
Midnight Swim
Lunar Moth - Acrylic on Canvas |
To the Moon & Back for Livi - Acrylic on Canvas |
Two Happy Goats
Randall Controls the Weather
Scottish Highlander
Cheeky Cardinal
Adolescent Sasquatch
Mermaids & Dolphins
(painted on wood)
Willie B.
A nice day to paint outside.
Ringwood Manor Morning
painted at the RMAA Barn Gallery, NJ, during the Annual Victorian Weekend.
Watching Flying Squirrels
Polar Sunset
Acrylic on three stacked pieces of glass.
Purple Mountains
(Two sections of one long painting.)